Sunday, March 17, 2013

The simple life

Well. It's been a pretty normal weekend....except for the fact that Matt's uncle passed away early Saturday morning from surgery complications. That, of course, was a very sad part of our weekend. He was a very sweet, kind man. He and his wife live in bossier so we didnt see him that often. However, I will never forget when Matt and I lived in bossier...they tried so hard to make us feel welcome at their church....Took us to lunch afterwards with another older the time, i felt so awkward. However, now, in my maturity (ha), i realize that they just loved their church...and were so excited to have family to show off. And, even though we ended up at a different church, I appreciated their effort.
I have two other times that stick out in my mind. One was when I thought it was a grand idea to compile and create a birth-current scrapbook of Matt's dads life for his 60th birthday. I needed pictures so I found myself at uncle levone's house digging through pictures. Honestly, i enjoyed it. We sat in the kitchen for a long, long time because he wasnt short on words. ;) I got an inside look into mr Jerry's life. Alot of stories that I had never heard before.
The other time that I will note is....
We were newlyweds and did not have alot of money. We were in the process of fixing up our house so that we could eventually sell and move back to Ruston. We had mentioned to uncle Levone that we wanted to tile our kitchen and bathroom floors. He had recently finished his floors and had the saw that we needed to cut our tiles. In true uncle Levone fashion, he took on the project with us. I believe he was around 67 at the time. Down on the floor. On his knees...enduring every last corner cut. It was not a fun job. In fact, that's not one of the most favorite memories in my life. Actually, none of the remodeling memories from my life would be put in the "fond memories" category.
I didnt know uncle Levone that well. I didnt spend a ton of time with him. But, from the time I did spend with him, I can tell you that he was a kind-hearted, giving man. He loved the people in his life, that was obvious. I know he will be greatly missed!
What else did we do this weekend?
I finished working on these pants...they are just fun, play pants but I like them. I made them from a cheap shirt from Walmart...and some fabric that I already had for the ruffle. I still have to appliqué a shirt to match.

On Friday, Liz and I loaded the kids up and went to my great Aunt Mary Anns house. My grandmother and her two sisters were there and we got to visit with them. This was aunt Mary Ann's first time to see Larkin. Even though we skipped naps, all three were very well behaved. We played outside for a little bit to get out some energy.

We knew it was time to go when Campbell got a sticker in his foot and screamed for about 10 minutes (after it was out). The last straw was him looking me in the eye while crying and saying "I want to go to the hospital". Liz said "you would probably haveto get a shot". And he said (through tears) "ooookay". Bless his heart!
We left and headed home. Then trigger decided that he needed to go to the bathroom in a serious way. So we stopped at a gas station. EWwwww! We walked in the stall and t said "awww. I just wish I was at home".
Me and you both, t man!
He sat down and then teeteed all over his pants and underwear.
Whew. I hope the sisterhood (meme and her sisters) enjoyed us skipping naps. ;)
Saturday: we played dress up

Then we played outside.

And then we got all cleaned up and went out to eat!...just like my childhood. I can remember playing outside all day long on Saturdays. Coming in taking a bath and then going out to eat. So this past Saturday brought back fond memories!

Sunday (st Patrick's day): we ate lunch with my parents.

And played outside. This seems to be our favorite thing lately. The weather has been beautiful!

Miss Larkin has been walking for about a month now. Saturday (and all the days before), she would play so sweetly on the patio while the boys played on the playset, dug holes, destroyed everything in sight, etc. Larkin would look out to where the boys were and I could tell she wanted to go but anytime she touched the grass or rocks, she would whine and hold her hands out like "wipe them, momma, they are dirty". Sunday, this all changed. I put her down on the patio like always. Brought out some of her toys. She looked at the toys and hightailed it to the grass. Pushed the dump truck up the hill and that was that. She was scaling the steps to the playset and sliding (while holding my hand). She was everywhere. I couldn't keep up with her. So outside time just went from enjoyable to loads of work. I sure did enjoy those three weeks. :(

I went to put Larkin in her bed on Sunday night. She has thrown all of her little people princesses in her bed. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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