Saturday, March 9, 2013

Gods timing

Well. I guess this week could definitely be put in the not so great parenting weeks category.
In fact, it probably ranks #1 in being the worst...and making me/us feel like total failures. The funny part about that is that I got a text from Matt this week saying that he was working through lunch and starting to prepare the Sunday school lesson for this week. His text said. "Guess what our lesson is about?" Because I knew we were still doing our marriage study, I assumed it was something embarrassing/hard to teach so I texted back "sex". He said "nope. Parenting". I wish I was going to be there. I did tell Matt that I hope God was going to teach us something through this lesson. Tonight as Matt was reviewing the talking points, I asked him if he was going to use us for examples of what not to do! He laughed and said yes!
I joke but it has seriously been a rough week of parenting. I know this will not be the last difficult parenting week. So anyway, I thought it was so awesome that our lesson is on parenting when we need it the most!
I do have to show off my oldest and youngest in their new kk outfits.

My sister came into town on Thursday night for her cousins wedding that she is in this weekend. She came over to visit Friday afternoon. It was such beautiful weather that we played outside.

I read big mamas book and LOVED it. In there, she told a story about going to the pool with your children and how she always wanted her child to be one of this calm children who sat on the step and poured water from one cup to the other. She said that she and her friend had termed those children "cup pourers". I laughed so hard and even read it aloud to Matt because we get frustrated (in a way) that we don't have a single child that is a "cup pourer". Liz even makes comments about how I have three "active" children. None are content unless they are seeking danger in some way.
I say all of this because I was trying to clean and was running around like a chicken without a head. I kept hearing Larkin "ehhh. Ehhhh. Ehhhh". So I peeped into the playroom. She had climbed over the baseball chair and got into our dramatic play (dress up) tub. WHY??? Then, she had the audacity to cry when I took her picture. She hasn't quite learned yet that if you do wild things, the least you can do is to smile and let me take your picture.

I tried to provide a fun day for my children...Even though I really had tons of cleaning that needed to be done. Matt's parents and sister/hubby and kids were coming tonight for supper. But, I got up. Cooked breakfast. A real breakfast. Eggs. Sausage. Toast. We painted some new Easter pictures (ill share pic later). And, we got out some toys that I keep put up. We also made laundry detergent. The boys LOVED it. Seriously, this was probably the highlight activity of the week. And it's a little early to call it but I like it so far!

Then Larkin refused a nap...which is always fun. NOT. And Matt brought home lots of new baseball gear and took trigger outside to play baseball. According to t, that was his most favorite part of the day.

I thought this picture was so funny. Miss priss had full rein over my pantry Bc I was trying to mop floors. She found this bottle that I use for cake decorating. She was sucking on it like a bottle and carried it everywhere. Matt picked her up and she let him hold her like a baby. Shocking. I can't believe she even knows what to do with a bottle since she has never had one. Ever. That's amazing to me.

The party for Matt's dads birthday was great. After everyone left, we bathed and got kids in bed quickly. I hate time changes. They are number two on my list of hates after having children. #1 is fireworks. #2 time changes. Plus, i hate it being light out so late. I know I'm in the minority but it takes me forever to wind down in the evenings anyway and then if it is light out until 730, I am up incredibly late. Anyway, I got Larkin down. Then, minutes later I was back in there. This was my text conversation with Matt.

Seriously. Did he really think I thumped my baby's mouth. Yeah right!
That's all I got. Sorry to bore you.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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