Tuesday, March 26, 2013

my model, larkin

this is the outfit that I made for larkin for easter.  I LOVE how it turned out…and she will probably wear it after easter…sorry to those of you that might thing that is HORRIBLE.  ;)  I can’t remember if I have already explained this or not so I will explain again.  The pants (the cream part) are made from a shirt that I had hanging in my closet.  I was mad at myself because I had forgotten to get some fabric to match for the pants.  I turned around (because I sew in our closet) and bam, I saw that shirt.  I haven’t worn it in years…literally YEARS!  It was from Bass and I am not even sure the last time I have been to Bass.  Anyway, they made THE perfect pants.  I added some ruffles to make them extra girly!  LOVE It!IMG_2661IMG_2674IMG_2678IMG_2700IMG_2717IMG_2719

I hate that my precious little model didn’t have a bow in her hair for pictures.  Oh well!  You win some, you lose some!  At least she wasn’t screaming the entire time I was taking her picture!

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