Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy happy happy!

So in the middle of all of this "I feel like a failure of a parent" and "I'm sick and tired of having sick children" the last month, I have had some fun happy things in the last couple of days.
Monday, trigger skipped school ( I may have mentioned this) and Liz and I took the kids to take some pictures in the daffodils. I wouldn't say it was all that successful. Larkin hated the grass, not being held, AND the flowers. So, she wasnt cooperative. Then, the boys were a tad overwhelmed by all of our different surroundings so they have this deer in the headlights, where-the-heck-are-we look about them. And no, I don't even have any to share just yet. But I thought you should know that it had been a long day. I promised them a cupcake to behave. Technically, they behaved. Next time, I will be more specific, "you wil get a cupcake if you look close to the direction of the camera while be slightly still while not touching your sister (Bc she didn't like that either) while showing some sort of expression other than your mouth gaping open". That would've been a little bit better use of my "nuffin" bribe. Anyway, after we had lunch and our nuffin, it was time for nap. Way past time. I went to put Larkin down and to get the boys. Trigger took it upon himself to put Campbell down. I will Say that I could sooooo get used to this. I watched him. He read him a book. Tucked him in. Sang him a song that was a complete and total trigger original about Jesus. Then he reminded him to stay in his bed and to go straight to sleep. "I love you camel". Gave him a kiss or two and left. And campbell went to sleep. Now, I think id have it made if he did that every day. See, he has this incredibly sweet, very helpful side. And he also likes to be in charge. ;)

Larkin and I love Tuesday and Thursdays because we get to go visit Matt at his office. Since we don't see him as much, we like to stop by his office.

And we like to sleep in the car on the way home and mess up our real nap. That's super fun on mommy!

This picture is a tad inappropriate for the blog but it made me smile so big and makes me chuckle every time I see it in my pictures. Campbell is a tad helpless. He can't do much on his own and he really doesn't care. "I kaint dooo it." We hear this all the time. He has just recently started to attempt to do some things. I sent him back to get a pair of underwear. I didnt expect him to put them on. Five minutes later (Bc it took that long), he came running through the kitchen.

Larkins new favorite snack is yogurt raisins. I was so excited. She downed a ton of them. Then all of a sudden I started to notice that she had found a little trick. She gets them in her mouth. Sucks the yogurt off and digs her fingers in her mouth and pulls out the raisin. This must mean that she's a genius, right? Ha!

I came home to a big box this week. I love getting packages. It was our toms that I ordered the kids off of zulily. Sadly, not a single pair fit. Ts and cs are huge (and I went by the sizing chart) and larkins are way too tiny (that hasn't ever been said about her shoes before...maybe she's hit a growth spurt). I was still excited though. The boys will grow into theirs and I'll just sell larkins.

Then, to my favorite little happy here lately...I walked through the dining room this morning, headed to fix ts breakfast. I saw a package on our dining room table. It must've come late Wednesday night and Matt brought it in this morning when he was leaving for work. I walked over. I really expected it to be ammo or something fun related Bc that seems to be the theme of the packages arriving at our house lately. PANIC mode has set in over here over the gun laws changing so we are setting up an armory right inside our house....I say "we" but we all know who I am referring to. Anyway, it was from pottery barn kids. I thought. My goodness. I don't remember buying something from them. Checked the name. Garson Woodard. Then trigger and his four year old wisdom while I'm flipping the package and examine it says "just open it momma". Ha. So I did. And I pulled out a beach towel monogrammed "trigger". I don't remember ordering towels but there clearly isn't a mistake since it says "trigger" unless you know another trigger! :) I checked the packing slip. Yep, it was from our awesome friends, the Hogans. They are going to the beach with us again soon (not soon enough) and thought the kids needed matching towels. How awesome is that!!!!! They are absolutely precious. And I wished I would've videoed trigger Bc he was giddy!!!!

He even chose to take it to show and tell today.

So, I know I have complained. And we have been down this last month from illnesses and behavior but there are still so many good things that have happened...and these are just from this week!!!!
I really always try to keep prospective. It could always be worse. Way worse. We have soooo much to be thankful for. Soooo much! So, I complain. I get down. But at least we know that God is there (which is more than alot of the world knows). And he has blessed is more than we deserve.
And I will reread this post this weekend when I'm stuck a home with three wild Indians...native, sorry, chasten! ORIGINAL Americans!!!!! And Matt is doing taxes....or twiddling this thumbs and enjoying the quiet. Whichever story he chooses to go with. Ha!

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