Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Wednesdays almost kill me. I don't know why but they do. They are really just like Monday EXCEPT that we have church on Wednesday. I guess that's the difference. Campbell literally wakes up from nap and had a plate Of food on the table for his supper. If you have met my little middle child, you would know that he doesn't particularly rush to do anything. In fact, he usually stays distracted...or/and tries to distract you to get you off course. He also gets an A+ in ignoring you. (And by "you", I mean whoever is talking and telling him something he doesn't want to hear. I know all kids do this to an extent. T does too. However, c has perfected it!). You know what else Campbell gets an A+ in? Eating slow! He is THE slowest eater...well...A close tie to his cousin Sydney. Love her!!! Anyway, Wednesdays are rushed. It's a half day for trigger. We get him to school and by the time we get home and I clean up breakfast and start some laundry, it is almost time to load back up (Bc loading takes FOREVER...especially with the distracted, ignoring one!) We pick up trigger at 12. Then usually we head home for lunch. Today, Campbell had begged for fish from Cackin (captain) D's. There is no need to tell me how unhealthy that is. I know! Believe me, I know! So, we ran through there. Came home and I told the kids that we could eat outside and have a little picnic with our grease dripping food. They were excited. T went inside to wash his hands and change his clothes Bc I've got him totally freaked out because my grandmother has pink eye and her dr said it was going around. And Chasten told me there is a horrible stomach bug going around and that four children were admitted for dehydration while they were in the hospital. Soooo. I've threatened them that they better not even think about touching germy things and putting them in their mouth...Bc I'm sure A hospital stay is NOT what Matt Woodard (or really anyone) needs right now. And because t knows my strict rules about bandaids, he skipped asking me and got himself a new bandaid for his "hurt" finger.
While we are on that subject, let me just tell my theory on bandaids.
1. they are disgusting.
2. The just hold in moisture when a wound needs air to dry out and heal.
3. I understand that if you are spurting blood, you need something to control that...and so that is my rule and my boys know it. Blood has to be present. And really it has to be lots of blood. Like rolling down arm or spurting. not just a speck.
4. And for the people that say "it keeps germs out". HA. HA. HA. Have you taken a bandaid off a child before. Yuck. There's dirty all underneath.
So anyway, that's my theory on bandaids. You might call me mean. But all I have to say is God didnt create Adam and Eves bodies and have them holding a box of bandaids. He designed our bodies to heal. Here's an example. I cut my finger really bad a few weeks ago on my key. Don't ask how. I don't know. I have watched my skin literally heal before my very own eyes. I didnt need a little bandaid to aid in this process. It did it on its own.
Where was I even going with this post?
Oh yes. Wednesdays.
We had our picnic. (Check out cs shoes.. This morning I said "go get some shoes. I don't care which ones. Just go quickly". He came back with church shoes. So he wore them and said the whole time, repeatedly "these are my favorite". Ha!)

It was so hot in the sun that we had to move to the shade.

Then we took naps. They go down extremely late in Wednesdays.
We shoved supper down. This little monkey will truly be the death of me. I just thought that t and c were difficult. Liz is certain that she will be climbing out of her crib in no time. Pray for me. That can't happen! It just can't.

We took the boys to church. Then I ran to a store with Larkin to look for a couple of summery tops. I was overwhelmed. And my arm was about to fall off from my chunky girl throwing her body around. But seriously. I think I'm about to throw my hands up. I just can't keep up with fashion. Im tired. I just need clothes to cover. And honestly, I feel old. I look at these clothes and think. My mom would've never worn that. And maybe that's what's wrong. There's no distinction between a mom and a teenage/college age girl. Don't worry, I'm not breaking out the apron dresses. Even though I'm highly temped to buy about five and rotate them. I'm really kidding. I wouldn't go that far.
I think my problem is that I'm too classic. I would like to own most of jcrews catalog. Especially every single cardigan. I mean. That is sooo much more my style. Cardigan and some sperrys. Maybe I should go live on a yacht. :)

And then we got all kids bathed (I got all 30 fingernails and 30 toenails cut... Bc it almost looked like they were headed for a career as a taxi, please don't let that offend you if you have aspirations to drive a taxi. I've only been in maybe 3 taxis ever and it seems like they all had long nails. Probably just a coincidence.
Got the kids in bed. Hemmed some jeans. Listened to my bible app (still far behind).
Then I saw this on fb. So appropriate. Larkin has woken, I think, every night for the last week and a half. TIRED of it!

Ps. Please note that I do not have a medical degree. If you chose to follow my harsh no bandaid rule and you finger, toe, etc should become infected, or worse, fall off, I am not responsible. I was just raised to say NO to bandaids and say YES to monkeys blood. And I have to say that monkeys blood is the cure for anything. But I haven't subjected my children to that yet. A little too painful.
My word. Congrats if you made it through that post. I'm tired of typing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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