Thursday, March 14, 2013

All for the thrill of the catch

So, miss Larkin has got a little sass/spunk about her. Who is surprised? Not me, that's for sure. She is starting to show her little personality more and more. Last night, the boys were playing with their trucks on our hearth. Larkin would sneak over there and still one. She didnt get it past trigger though because he's quuuuuuuick! Well, she quickly learned that trigger was the problem. He was the one she would need to win over. She made her way over to him. Leaned over and kissed him...probably 5 times...then she leaned over and hugged him...leaned on him...loving on him. I seriously have never seen her do this. Usually, we are jumping for joy when she will give us a kiss. This was a huge display of love. Trigger was in heaven. Smiling from ear to ear.
Larkin stood up, turned towards the hearth, grabbed the two trucks that trigger had been playing with...grinning from ear to ear...and hightailed it away.
What???? She straight up just played him. Loved on him, charmed him and stole what she wanted.

I don't even know what to say. On some levels, I'm highly disturbed that she has the behavior down pat at 14 months old.
Today, I ended up at the dr with Larkin. After a week of not sleeping like she usually does AND her nose started running green yesterday, I decided it was time. And let me tell you, I was ready to yell "give us the juice" because we are past the newborn stage and I don't like being up all during the night. Especially a couple of nights ago when I was up for 2.5 hours in the middle of the night rocking a crying, stopped up baby. Well. I'm glad I took her (even though I could've done without the 1.5 hour wait).

Her left tube is now clogged and infected. It's been her right ear that's been clogged several times since Christmas so i was surprised that its now her left. She will be starting an antibiotic...along with hydrogen peroxide drops 3-4 times a day in that ear. That's so much fun!!!!!!

Do you want to know why she's smiling above? Because she was drinking water and spitting it out. Apparently that is funny to a 14 month old. :) I was out of tricks...
Then she passed out in the car. Surprisingly, I transferred her to her bed and she's still napping.

And now, don't hate me, I am doing this...

Im outside...Watching the news...eating lunch...and relaxing for a few minutes. Ahhhhh. Love this weather. I could soooo curl up out here and take a nap but I have too much to do!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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