Tuesday, March 19, 2013

If you know my children,

We will finish the title in a moment. First let me say that the funeral for Uncle Levone was great..well, you know what I mean. It's never great to lose a loved one. Never! But, i learned alot of new things about him. He obviously was a role model for many. The preacher from his church did an awesome job...I was very impressed and left feeling challenged to strive to do more for the kingdom. It's hard right now with three little ones, one who is always sick. But hopefully, we will be back to church in a few short weeks with Larkin in the nursery!!!!

Okay. On to the title.
If you know my children, you know that we can't do anything normal. Campbell has been talking, obviously, for a long time. However, he is really starting to express himself more each day. Those words of expression usually come in the form of..."I am mad at you." "I don't like you" "I don't love you anymore" "you made me sad" "trigger hit me. I don't want him to hit me".
Those are just a few. They aren't the most positive but he's learning to really express his thoughts. His new thing is that he wants to tell you his favorites....this especially happens when he wants something really bad. "I want chocolate milk." "No honey, we aren't having chocolate milk" "I want chocolate milk...it's my favorite". That added "it's my favorite" makes him feel like if its his favorite, his momma has to give it to him.
I promise this is going somewhere...we talk alot about favorite colors. Everyone knows that triggers favorite color is orange....Which is super strange to me. Up until a couple of weeks ago, Campbell would say orange was his favorite color too. He just repeats EVERY single thing that trigger does/says. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, he started saying that his favorite color was...are you ready for this...BROWN! I brushed it off. Even after he said it multiple times every day. Because obviously he has no clue what brown really is. I mean who in the world has the favorite color of brown. Surely he is thinking RED (because its the best) but calling it brown. SURELY! Well. This went on for a couple of weeks when I finally decided that this was becoming ridiculous. I broke out some crayons and I tested him. Did a full color assessment! Ha. Not really. But get this...he KNOWS what brown is. And he is continuing to say that brown is his favorite.
So, what are our favorite colors? I made a little list!
Matt- blue
Garson- red
Trigger- orange
Campbell- brown
Larkin- TBD (if its yellow, black or brown, I swear I will lose it. Pink or red. Those are her options.)

Orange and brown. I just don't know how this happened.

This morning, I lost Larkin. I was putting on my clothes...shame on me. I thought Larkin was in the playroom. Went to check on her. GONE. I started checking her favorite places. She was in the pantry. But she wasnt just sitting there...she was downing chocolate.

She had chocolate all over her face and her hands. What cracks me up is that normally if Larkin gets one thing on her hand. Like even a speck. She will whine and say "eh eh eh" while holding her had out towards you to clean it. However, I am guessing that the chocolate was too good to worry about that because she did not even notice.

So, yes, we had chocolate for breakfast. (Not really). When I was sweeping up all the chocolate chips off the ground, she was shoveling them in as fast as she could. Ha.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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