Monday, March 18, 2013


So I haven't been going to sleep until 1-130am. Matt's long hours makes it even harder to wind down at night...and this is a problem that I have battled with since birth so I don't need any accomplices. Last night I went to take trigger to the bathroom and he was sound asleep in a pool of urine. So, at 1215, I changed sheets and ts clothes. I do have to say that oddly enough, on my way back to his room, I was trying to remember how long it had been since his sheets had been changed and made a mental note to do that today. Well, I can mark that off my list Bc it was done at 12:15 on Monday! What can I say, I'm an over achiever. Ha!
I went to sleep at some point after that.
I woke up. Took a shower. Got out to trigger rambling on to Matt in the bed about how he was not happy that the leprechaun didnt come yesterday. I TOLD MATT THEY WOULD NOTICE. Just when I let him talk me out of my over achieverness, it comes back to slap me in the butt! So I hinted for Matt to distract and detain the four year old. I ran into the kitchen and the leprechaun worked her magic in destroying the already destroyed house...and threw some chocolate gold money on the table. I got c up and went back to our room and made a big deal about how I had heard something. And there you go. The story is that "you just never know when that silly leprechaun will sneak through the house".

The leprechaun even teeteed in our potty. ;)

Then, I dropped trigger off. And took the babies to Walmart.

Came home and played...and ate some chocolate.

Ate lunch. Took naps.

Got up before we all wanted to so I could take the kids to zizzys. Rushed back home. Hopped in the truck..literally! And drove to bossier for visitation. Then back home just in time to get kids in bed.
Then I made trigger and Campbell's Easter treats for their friends. Thank you Pinterest!

And now it's late again and I'm not near ready for bed. Such a horrible cycle of not enough sleep. :(

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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