Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Parties

Last Thursday, the boys had their school Easter egg hunts.  I am sad to say…and truly I am not lying when I say that Matt and I both were very torn up about this…I wasn’t able to go to Campbells party/hunt.  I had texted his teacher earlier in the week and asked if it was a party that parents attended.  I am very sensitive to this because I know from teaching that there are some parties (hmmmm…lets say like Valentines day…the most horrible party in the world) that you would rather parents not attend because they arent specific times OR they are just too wild to begin with OR you have lots of children with separation issues.  I KNOW these things and I understand them.  So I asked.  She said that no one ever comes…she had only had one mom come EVER (and his teacher is older) but for me to feel free to come if I wanted to.  DANG IT!  Because YOU know I would be there with my camera strapped around my neck taking pictures of campbells EVERY move!  But, Trigger’s teacher had already asked me to go out to the hostesses house early to help get their party ready.  And the times conflicted…I know this will definitely NOT be the last time this happens.  I can remember a good friend of mine (who I taught two of her children) would always be so run down on party days…and she would comment how hard it is to make it to three parties that usually are all held at the same time.  But, it is the reality for us (and for many others).  I just hope my children always understand that we are trying our best.  Matt wouldve gone if it had not been tax season…in fact, he sent me a text as the party was starting and said “I think I am going to go…I just don’t want him to be alone (even though all the other kids were)” but there is no way he couldve made it so he just stayed at work. 

Ok seriously, if matt is reading this, he is most definitely rolling his eyes that it took me that long to explain that I am sad that Campbell had to be alone. 

Back to the parties.  I got a text that morning from matt’s mom telling to check the weather because it was quite cold outside.  glad I got the text. I had them dressed for 70-75 degree weather…complete with sandals.  Trigger refused to change so I let him keep his warm weather attire on but took some jeans and tennis shoes with us.  Campbell changed into this…he was super excited bc he was a little less than thrilled about his bunny riding in a racecar shirt that I had made when Trigger was two.  Apparently, he is too cool for that!  I snapped a few pictures of the kids before we left. 


This is Alex, George, and Trigger at the party….note that he has already changed into jeans…it was COLD!IMG_2810Easter…and most everyone has a coat on.  this is part of their class…I think they were missing one.IMG_2819The Easter bunny showed up at the beginning of the party.  It was funny because Trigger immediately took a survey of the surroundings and noted that George’s mom was missing and stated “that’s george’s mom”.  WOW!  Of course, George was telling everyone also…AND they all chased the Easter bunny around the house and saw the Easter bunny taking her head off.  FUN times!IMG_2822IMG_2823The Easter hunt is beginning.IMG_2827George’s mom, Becky, had put numerals 1-10 on the eggs and they had to find one of each numeral.IMG_2831IMG_2833Trigger and GeorgiaIMG_2835Trigger making sure he had one of each.IMG_2837IMG_2839Shaving cream art project.  IMG_2842IMG_2846PinataIMG_2859IMG_2869BubblesIMG_2871They ate their lunch, took a group picture and then we left.  It was fun.  My feet and arms were frozen.  I was outside for three hours and I think I regained warmth back around 6 or 7pm…which is strange because I usually don’t get that cold.  I guess it’s my old age.  IMG_2873I have no idea why their mouths are open…I guess mrs lisa told them to say something.  Ha!IMG_2877

It was a fun party.  Becky did an awesome job organizing it. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

my model, larkin

this is the outfit that I made for larkin for easter.  I LOVE how it turned out…and she will probably wear it after easter…sorry to those of you that might thing that is HORRIBLE.  ;)  I can’t remember if I have already explained this or not so I will explain again.  The pants (the cream part) are made from a shirt that I had hanging in my closet.  I was mad at myself because I had forgotten to get some fabric to match for the pants.  I turned around (because I sew in our closet) and bam, I saw that shirt.  I haven’t worn it in years…literally YEARS!  It was from Bass and I am not even sure the last time I have been to Bass.  Anyway, they made THE perfect pants.  I added some ruffles to make them extra girly!  LOVE It!IMG_2661IMG_2674IMG_2678IMG_2700IMG_2717IMG_2719

I hate that my precious little model didn’t have a bow in her hair for pictures.  Oh well!  You win some, you lose some!  At least she wasn’t screaming the entire time I was taking her picture!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Papaws birthday

We had Matt’s family come over to our house a couple of saturdays ago to celebrate Matt’s dad’s birthday.  His birthday was February 28th but the party got postponed because of sickness in our family…shocking, I know!  I spent most of Saturday cleaning and trying to wrangle my children…I do believe that the cleaning was a little easier than the wrangling.  I was glad that everyone could come over here because we never get to do that…we usually go to the Woodards for all of our get togethers.

These first few pictures are of me trying to clean…the kids were, well, the way they always are! ;)

IMG_2637IMG_2639IMG_2642Matt’s dad blowing out candles.  And, sadly, these are the only pictures that I got.  :(IMG_2644IMG_2646IMG_2647

Happy Birthday to Mr. Jerry/Papaw.  We sure love him.  He is one of the kindest men that I know!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Oh goodness

I can't stand when I don't blog everyday. The main reason is that I miss out on documenting some funny stories. If I wait several days, I forget the funny moments!

I think I'll go with a bullet system because I have some random thoughts.
- we should only have a few more weeks of keeping Larkin out of the nursery. I am very thankful for this because this not being able to socialize has really gotten me to throwing myself a little pitty party today. Tax season and having little conversation with my husband doesn't help things. I'm tired of feeling left out and tired of not having a clue of what's going on. The world continues while we are in our bubble.
- another thing. Not that I am meaning for this to turn into a complaining post. I have had no chance to get anything done lately... Well outside of the house things. I need to go grocery shopping but I currently have a husband working and two kids napping. After that, Matt and trigger are going to do released. Then kids and bed and matt will work. There is absolutely no time. I need groceries. And, my poor children...I have yet to really shop for Easter baskets...or thought about when to dye eggs. I hate disorganization but organization takes time and I happen to be slap out of time right now. I can NOTtell you how much I am ready for April 15th!
-the next few pictures are of my children asleep. You know I love a picture of my children asleep!

-last Thursday night, my family went to Log cabin. We used to do this every Thursday night when I was in college but have gotten out of the habit with everyone's busy schedules. I'm glad we are starting back. The kids love the balloon man.

-that night, Matt had to leave Log Cabin and went with a friend to visit our pastor. Soooo, I got to put all three children down by myself. It really was fine but I always dread it because its just not easy. I did enjoy reading to these two hooligans because I rarely put them down.

- Friday, we went to the journey place at church. Liz, Vanna, Reid and jake met us there. The kids had a great time playing. I wish we could've stayed longer but Larkin was hungry and tired.

-this makes me smile because this is pretty much how I spent every Friday night growing up. We made a pallet in the den and are Johnny's while watching a movie (dumbo). So fun!

- Saturday morning, Campbell woke up with his eye matted shut. I cleaned and gave him some eye drops that I had from the last time one of them had an eye infection. The one positive to us being sick all the time, we have leftover meds that we guard very carefully! I don't part with my extra medicine!!! I loaded the kids up to go get donuts and go see Matt at the office (our Saturday ritual). While on the way, I talked to Matt and he said, "you don't think you should take c since we have a babysitter coming tonight." Matt and I had a date night planned. So we grabbed donuts and headed for gc. Matt came and drove the other two around. Dr Daher couldn't really be sure what his eye gunk was. C has a history of his eye draining with sinus infections. Or ear infections. Or other random times. My other two have never done this. So, because of that, she's not really sure. Could be conjunctivitis from the sinus infection that he had a few weeks back that really wasnt ever cleared up. OR could be from pollen. Or lots of other things. Those two are just the most logical. Anyway, we are doing eye drops and keeping him home today. He will be back out and about tomorrow. Always something.

-with each child, I think "THIS one is going to be the death of me". It's like with each one, they get wilder and wilder. Larkin is testing her boundaries. She KNOWS what she's doing. I know this because she will do something, look for me, make eye contact, and smile a very devious smile. Yesterday, I walked into the playroom to find Larkin strutting it on the table. As if it were her walkway. She saw me, smiled and slowly sat down. B-A-D! It's like she's two. She might as well be. We fit throw as good as one!

- Campbell really hates naps now but he is without a doubt our best sleeper. If we can just get him into bed.

-Larkin really loves playing with the boys toys. It drives them insane. She knows how to push their buttons. She will crawl over and pull their favorite car out of their parking lot that they have just made. She also tries to charm them to get what she wants. I've been trying to pull her toys out of her room so she will play with those instead of the boys trucks all the time. See below: I stuffed her dolls into the buggy. She loved it. However, she was tired and got highly ticked off every time she hit a transition/bump. I have to say that the bottom picture sooooo shows how I feel almost every time I am pushing a buggy..but my three babies are not that quiet or still in the buggy. So I really don't think she has much to fuss about.

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