Saturday, January 28, 2012

Random Post to Try and Catch up

Okay…so I’m obviously really far behind on my posts.  I am going to try to catch up quickly but we all know how I am and I’m not good with summarizing…I’ll try my best!!

Well…ive already failed because I had a hard time weeding through these pictures.  This is what’s happening.  Campbell and Trigger pretty much like to play with the same things at the same time…sooo, someone is usually screaming.   This particular time, they BOTH wanted to ride the motorized tractor.  We offered the little ride on for Campbell to use while waiting on Trigger to get off the big tractor…ummmm, that did NOT work!  Somehow I ended up getting a lot of pictures of Campbell crying but let me reassure you, Trigger pretty much acted the same way when it was Campbell’s turn to ride!

IMG_1676IMG_1677IMG_1679IMG_1689Below: Trigger is trying to keep Campbell from riding.IMG_1696The hilarious thing is that Campbell can’t even drive the big tractor…his foot wont reach the pedal.  Matt came up with a brilliant way to help Campbell to ride.  He used a pvc pipe to push the pedal.IMG_1698IMG_1701Sometimes Daddy has a hard time keeping up.  HAHA!IMG_1710IMG_1737IMG_1742

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