Saturday, January 28, 2012


We were told by some friends to go to the children’s museum in Monroe to see Santa.   I won’t list why but we were NOT impressed.  I don’t think the children cared though.  They can have fun where ever we are.  Trigger spotted the police car right away.  He made a beeline over to the drivers seat.  I hope he never again steps foot in a police car!!!!!IMG_2228IMG_2229We made our way to the back, dark corner to see Santa.  Abby and Sydney had their visit first.  IMG_2236Neither of my children were thrilled about sitting in Santa’s lap.  In fact, BOTH of them cried.  I was really surprised because neither of them cried at Mt. Mariah.  Oh well…just goes to show you that you just can’t predict toddlers!IMG_2238IMG_2240Yep…that would be the best we could get of the five cousins.  I can’t even imagine how hard it will be next year when we will add two more to the mix!IMG_2247Candy cane bribery works every time…well, at least it did this time! IMG_2260

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