Saturday, January 28, 2012


I have seriously gotten so bad about not taking pictures!!!  On Thanksgiving, I took a total of SIX pictures!  Pathetic, huh?  I think I just go through periods of time when I don’t want to haul my camera around…especially when I was big and pregnant. 

For Thanksgiving, we did our normal activities!  We celebrated with Matt’s family Wednesday at supper.  Then, we went to my grandmother’s for Thursday supper. 

Trigger and Josiah (my cousin’s, kim, oldest child).  They are wearing Papaw’s hats that are still hanging on the wall.  AND, they are playing with these horses, cowboys, and indians that are ANCIENT!  IMG_1891And, of course, Campbell is piled up in Zizzy’s lap!  He is a little cuddler! ;)IMG_1894

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