Saturday, January 28, 2012

Christmas Pjs

First, I should have titled this “christmas Jammas” because that is what Trigger calls his pajamas. 

I have to say that I wish I could just post all of the pictures I took from this little photo shoot…it is quite humorous.  Campbell has gotten to a very difficult stage…he does not like to sit still for a photograph.  It’s really just a waste of time in his eyes!  However, I am a pretty determined person sooooo…I just keep trying and trying!!!

I hope you enjoy…and feel free to laugh…or to cry…or to pray for us.   Ha!IMG_2084IMG_2087IMG_2093IMG_2094IMG_2097Do you see the mounds of laundry in the background,…lovely, huh?IMG_2104IMG_2106IMG_2108IMG_2113IMG_2147IMG_2156IMG_2176

They sure are busy boys!!!  Maybe I can get them to cooperate in a few years!

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