Saturday, January 28, 2012

Trigger’s Christmas Program

Trigger got to sing for the older men and women at Trinity.  It was a very short program but oh so cute.  The funny thing was that Trigger kept telling me that he was going to sing Rudolph by himself…”that’s what Miss Wisa said”.  I kept trying to prepare him that he was not singing by himself and that it was okay for his friends to sing too.  I could just see a screaming fit when he broke out in song and his friends joined in.  However, it all turned out just fine. 

This is his shy and a little intimidated look.

IMG_2073Then, this was his face when he saw momma and daddy. ;)IMG_2074IMG_2077

Aren’t they all just adorable.  I love watching Trigger interact with his peers at school…and love these performances!!!!

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