Saturday, January 28, 2012

December 24th- part one

Christmas Eve is  by far our most hectic day of celebrating.  We start off early…like 9:00 early.  I got up and cooked a cheese danish and breakfast casserole to take to my parents.  We got there around 9 and ate breakfast.  THEN, we opened presents.  My parents go all out for Christmas.  It is so generous of them to buy us so much but completely unnecessary.  I know they enjoy watching the kids opened all of their presents.

IMG_2435Okay…check out all of those present…ALL of those at their feet were their presents…YEP, a TON of presents.  AND do you know what my oldest child said after we finished passing them out, "I don’t have any presents”…said with the most pitiful tone and his head tilted, all pitiful.  SERIOUSLY, I kid you NOT.  Those were his words…I had nothing to respond with…I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped and I laughed a little.  IMG_2436IMG_2439IMG_2442IMG_2443Campbell is OBSESSED with boots!IMG_2445Campbell LOVES his poppy and he does NOT like to share him!!!IMG_2451”Uncle Bana” and ReidIMG_2453Uncle Will and TriggerIMG_2460

After we finished opening presents, we loaded everything up in my tahoe and matt’s truck…yep, it took EVERY nook and cranny to get it all to fit…and headed home for naps.

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