Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mt. Mariah Christmas

Each year, we go to Matt’s parents church (Mt. Mariah) in Arcadia for a Christmas program and a special visitor.  IMG_1963Campbell was a little sleepy!IMG_1968I wasn’t sure how Campbell would react…Trigger, when he was Campbell’s age, screamed.  I kind of assumed that Campbell would react the same way…however, he did NOT…he just studied Santa.  He is definitely not happy about Santa but no tears!IMG_1971IMG_1974IMG_1978Trigger told Santa, “I wanna choo-choo that goes round and round and a black truck like daddys”.  What he meant was that he wanted a Thomas the Train that was battery operated and a motorized black Ford truck.IMG_1982IMG_1984When it was Campbell’s turn, he did not even look Santa’s direction…it was like he was purposefully looking the other direction.  IMG_1991Then, I said, “Campbell, who has you?” and he looked up…and gave Santa a not so nice look.IMG_1994Yep…look at that face…doesn’t it just scream “im so happy”.  HAHA!!!  I just love that little boy!IMG_1995After he got back in his seat, he kept peering around the pew to see Santa.IMG_1999Me and my sweet Trigger!!!  Love him…He’s holding his Porkchop (from Toy Story) but he calls it his “porkchalk”  Love it!IMG_2010And by this time, it was REALLY late!!! and Campbell was SOOO tired!IMG_2016IMG_2020The boys love their cousin, Corbin!IMG_2023And of course I tried to get a picture of my two boys…and this was as good as I could get!IMG_2028

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