Saturday, January 28, 2012

Boys- December

In the beginning of December, our family participated with our church Temple in hanging bells on the doors of houses in Ruston.  We were assigned our neighborhood and Old Wire Road.  I was so excited that we were getting to do this.  It’s a great ministry.  Not only do you hang the bells but you also have the opportunity to take a second and pray for each of the people that live in that house…how awesome is that!  We drive past the houses in our neighborhood all the time, but I can’t say that I pray for the people living in the houses when I pass by them daily.  This just gives you the opportunity to do that!  It was nice to be able to include Trigger too.  He had a great time!!!!IMG_1897IMG_1899IMG_1900IMG_1901Im not sure when these were taken but aren’t they cute…and I love these football outfits!IMG_1904IMG_1906IMG_1914

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