Sunday, January 29, 2012

Christmas night….complete chaos

For Christmas day, we get to spend ALL day at home with just our family of four (five if you count Larkin in my belly).  It is always so nice to be able to relax and stay in our pjs all day.  On Christmas night, we ALWAYS go to my grandparents house.  Usually we have a huge meal but this year we decided to just do finger foods.  I was a little sad because I LOVE my mamaw’s dressing.  I got over it though.

Last year, we started the tradition of buying Christmas pajamas for the great grand children and taking a picture with Mamaw.  IMG_2623And as you can tell, my little Campbell was the uncooperative one.  I was so proud of my big boy, Trigger.  He tried so hard to wrestle Campbell down…and Trigger was photo ready with a smile on his face the whole time he was pinning his brother down!  IMG_2625IMG_2633IMG_2637

Well, I can’t say that it will be an award winning shot this year but when you have 10 children that are 7 and under (AND 7 of the children are 3 and under), it makes for an interesting picture.  AND, next year, we will add three new babies to that picture!  Whew…that makes me tired just thinking about taking a picture with 13 children!

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