Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A little TREAT!

The boys (especially Campbell) LOVE ICEES!!!!!  They are definitely my children!  :)  One afternoon while both were sick, I bribed Trigger to take a nap….if you take a good, long nap, you can have an icee!  He really is good about napping.  He still takes naps everyday BUT when he’s sick and on steroids, it’s hard for him to settle down!  He took a nap, so BOTH got an icee.  They were excited!

IMG_1646Okay…so forgive me for posting all of the following pictures…Campbell was cracking me up with his “smile”.  He saw the camera and started smiling…BUT, his smile was a little more contorted with each picture…cracked me UP!  He seriously looks soooo much like his cousin Sydney and his Uncle will!!!IMG_1647IMG_1648IMG_1649IMG_1650IMG_1651IMG_1652


My sweet boys….I could eat them up…most of the time!

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