Thursday, November 3, 2011


I'm going to give a quick snippet of what's been going on lately.
Boys- both have been sick. Ts started with a runny nose while Matt and I were gone to the beach (oct 23rd to be exact). Cs started a couple of days later. They are both still sick. Trigger has been to the dr twice in the last week and a half. The first time he had an ear infection so we started an antibiotic. Then, I just took him and Campbell back for horrible coughs. Trigger had some "noise" in his lungs. They started him on his second antibiotic and campbell on his first antibiotic. Plus, we were told to continue doing breathing treatments on both 3-4 times a day. Well, low and behold, neither (especially trigger...he's thrown up a couple of times for coughing) are better so I called the dr and he started him on a steroid to go along with the two antibiotics and the breathing treatments. He isn't running fever anymore...he did run 102 for FIVE days so we were glad the fever is gone!!!! Campbell is still just on the one antibiotic and breathing treatments. I am TIRED!!!!!
Baby/pregnancy- we have had two ultrasound since I last posted. The first was at gc and everything looked good. Liz went with us for that one. She has gone to one ultrasound with each of my children. We had an appt dr jones on October 20th. The first thing they do is an ultrasound. Then, the dr goes over the ultrasound in his conference room. For some reason while the lady was doing the ultrasound, I had a feeling. We get to the conference room and dr jones tells us that our amniotic fluid index (AFI) has already decreased. Seriously?!? In case you don't recall, this is the problem we had with trigger and the reason he was delivered at 34 weeks...however, with trigger, we didn't have a fluid problem until 31-32 weeks. Dr. Jones said that my numbers aren't dangerously low but too low for it to be this early in the game (26 weeks when I was there...I'm 28 now). So, he told me that I had to get 8 hours of sleep every night. AND, are you ready for this bc this is the most absurd, I have to get four COnSECUTIVE hours of rest a day...and that's not just any kind of rest...that would be four hours of laying down on my side rest!!!!! Now, I'm not sure what the wild boys are suppose to do while I'm resting on my side for FOUR hours!!! Liz and Matt's mom have been great with helping with the boys. I'm trying my best to do the four hours. Dr Harper (saw him last week) said to try my best to rest as much as possible but he understood that four hours wouldn't probably happen. So, I've been doing lots and lots of laying and drinking water....the sad part is that neither of those things worked when I was pregnant with trigger. I go back to see dr Harper next Thursday and dr jones on the 17th. I'm praying that dr jones doesnt put me in the hospital. I'm really struggling with lots of what ifs right now.
What if she comes earlier than trigger (which dr Harper thinks is definitely possible!)?
What if she is in the nicu at Christmas?
What if I'm in the hospital at Christmas?
What if I'm put in the hospital at 30 weeks? I can't be away from the boys for that long...who will care for them during the day?
I'm really running myself ragged thinking of the what ifs.
PLUS, to add to It, our house is in complete chaos. There are literally piles of Sheetrock dust and insulation pieces all over the place. I really can't clean in and there really isn't a reason to bother at this point bc they are here making messes. I'm so ready for this addition to be DONE!!!! I'm going to love it when it's done but my goodness, I don't know how I'm even going to be everyone in their own room before this baby decides to come. PLUS, we have boxes upon boxes piled all in our dining room...all of which has to be gone thru and washed and put away in rooms when they are finished. NONE of baby girls things are washed. I have never, ever been so unprepared for something in my entire life. I'm pretty sure God is trying to teach me to be flexible and not so prepared/anal about things! This obviously is something I need major work on!!!!
Anyway, we joke bc dr jones didn't really act like he liked us the whole time we went to him with Campbell. In fact, we felt as if we were wasting his time. NOW, I think he is growing to like problem at a time! I feel like the more issues/disorders/pregnancy problems you have, the more he likes you...we are WELL on our way to being best buds!! ;)
Ok, so I'll leave you with a few pictures of my sweet boys!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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