Monday, November 21, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

Crystal Garcia took some pictures of the boys at the Townsend House pumpkin patch.  They turned out as good as possible with two little ones.  Trigger smiled 99% of the time…Campbell did NOT!  So typical of their personalities.  The next week, I decided to take the boys to pick a pumpkin because they weren’t open when we took our pictures with crystal.  I dressed them cute so I could take some pictures of them together…just for fun! Glad I didn’t expect much because I certainly didn’t get any great ones!

IMG_1590IMG_1595IMG_1604IMG_1608IMG_1611“Hey, Trigger, can you put your arm around Campbell so mommy can take yalls picture?” 

Seriously, people, this is what I got….Apparently, Trigger thought I meant for him to put him in a headlock!  Campbell was sooo ticked off that someone was trying to make him be still!  Maybe one day I will get a cute picture of them together!IMG_1615

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