Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My little artist

Trigger LOVES, LOVES art!  Which is really surprising since he doesn’t do well sitting still.  He loves to paint.  My parents gave him an easel last Christmas and we just got it out about a month ago.  The boys get so much for Christmas that I really like to hold a few things and pull them down months after they are bored with the other toys.   Trigger was so excited that I was putting it together for him.  He’s only painted on it once…guess I need to pull it out and let him paint again. 

Notice his hand preference…STILL left handed!  AND, notice the color he’s using…ORANGE!   BTW, when I was getting out his clothes for the winter….I noticed that I have bought a TON of orange clothes!  Orange wasn’t even a color I considered buying before…funny how children can change your opinion on things…now, we are always buying orange things!!!

Sorry that he’s in just his underwear….makes clean up easier!  Hope he doesn’t strip down when he paints at school!


1 comment:

jessie said...

Where'd u get that "mat" u have under the easel? O's getting a desk/easel and paint for Christmas so I'm gonna need that!