Monday, November 21, 2011

Our Sweet Girl

We are so excited about having another baby…are we overwhelmed?  YES!  However, we are very excited to meet her and just want her to arrive healthy!  Like all my pregnancies, there have been some little bumps along the way.  As I posted about a month ago, I have been having to rest for four hours a day….now this isn’t just sitting down time…I have to be laying down and on my side for four continuous hours…I really don’t think that has happened most days but I try to get 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon.  THAT doesn’t happen that often either though.  Grandparents have been a lifesaver!!!!!!  The point of the resting on my side is so that the blood flow in my body would flow more efficiently and the babies oxygen supply would be better.  My AFI (fluid) numbers were down in the low range a month ago.  Dr. Jones hoped that the resting would  help my fluid to build back up.  We went to see him last Thursday and guess what?  FLUID WAS UP!!!!  Praise the Lord!  We had so many people praying for us and I know that is what made the fluid go up…Dr. Jones even acted surprised and VERY pleased.  The baby is growing good.  Her stomach has measured the smallest each time (so did Campbells) but it is still within the normal range.   He told us that the major concern and what we will be watching for is the babies growth….particularly the stomach measurement.   When there is growth restriction (IUGR- Intrauterine Growth Restriction/Retardation), the stomach measurement is the first thing that you will notice falling off the chart.  Right now she is growing around the 40-45%…don’t know what percentile the stomach was.  He was obviously VERY pleased with that!  However, he said that I have FOUR factors (more than my other pregnancies) working against good growth in the baby. 

1) APA (Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome)

2) MTHFR mutation (another blood clotting disorder)

3) Chronic Hypertension

4) Two Vessel Cord or SUA (single umbilical artery)- this is the one that is new and hasn’t occurred with other pregnancies

Soooo…he said we will watch growth.  I have three and a half more weeks before I will see him again.  I am currently 30 weeks and will be almost 34 weeks when I see him again.  It kind of makes me nervous to wait that long but I am still seen every 2 weeks by Dr. Harper so I’ll be fine!  Dr. Jones told me that if we see a downward trend in growth and it gets near the 10%, he will deliver at 36 weeks without question.  That kind of surprised me!!!  However, 36 weeks is better than when we delivered Trigger at 34 weeks!!! 

All in all, I was SOOOO very pleased with our appt.  He told me that I had to continue my four hours of laying on my side…oh and my 8 hours of sleep a night…and he ended with saying something about “glad you are going home to rest instead of spending 6 weeks in the hospital”!!!  WHEW…me too!!!!!  I just hope I don’t get put in at 34 weeks and have to stay until 36…because that would mean I would be there on Christmas! 

There is so much to be done in the next weeks!  My goal is to have our Christmas shopping complete and most everything wrapped by the time our house is finished in a couple of weeks….that way, I can focus on the house until the baby is here!  OH and I also have mounds and mounds and mounds of baby girl stuff that has to be washed and sorted through.  I haven’t washed anything yet.  In fact, are you ready for this, she has no room, her furniture is still being occupied by a cute little one yr old, AND she has NO closet….do I have everything for the baby?  HECK NO…but do I even know what I need?  NOPE!!!!!  I really should take a picture of the dining room behind me…its mounds and mounds of boxes…and on top of the boxes are bags of things I have bought for the baby….and there are just some stacked baby clothes on top of that…Im telling you…it is OUT OF CONTROL here at my house!

AND, if this weather doesn’t start cooling off, we may never get any of it done because I’m so hot all of the time!

Okay…I’m off to check on the painters and brick people.

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