Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mommy’s A Handy Lady

I Don’t know why but I have always had a love for putting together things.  I think it may have started when liz and i put together a computer desk when i was in highschool…a HUge desk!!!  Well…I will have you know, that desk is still standing today! Izzy and Poppy got Trigger this Kitchen for christmas but it was backordered and just came in.  It was a saturday and Matt was working and i couldn’t control myslef.  I put trigger down for a nap and i got busy.  it was finished by the time trigger got up from his nap and he loves it…loves it.  Like I have posted in the past, he loves cooking!

here is the BEfore:

Strawberries, Sunshine, and Water 1719

And the After:

Strawberries, Sunshine, and Water 1720

After trigger saw it:

 Strawberries, Sunshine, and Water 1723

Strawberries, Sunshine, and Water 1732

So…we are doing alot of cooking right now…when we are inside!

1 comment:

jenny cohn said...

Just returning to your blog after a long hiatus and enjoying it. Mere has the same kitchen from Gran-Gran and Papa & we love it! I wanted her to have the pink one just like it and Brian said absolutely not since Brannon would be playing with it as well. How right he was...