Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dr. Harper's Appointment

I went to Dr. Harper today. I am now going weekly to the doctor. In addition to seeing Dr. Harper, I also go to Dr. Groome in Shreveport once a month.
These appointments are usually very uneventful. We got to hear the heartbeat, and I am very thankful each time we hear that little heartbeat. Dr. Harper said he was very excited that we have made it to 31 weeks!!! We are very thankful too!
My blood pressure has been slowly creeping up and I have had increasing amounts of protein (still not alot). Dr. Harper said he is seeing a trend for the increasing bp and protein. He said we are not at bed rest point BUT that I do need to start taking it easy. I have to try to stay off my feet and elevate them as much as possible. :( I love rest time when it's my idea, but the moment someone tells me I HAVE to rest, it's like pulling teeth to make myself rest. I guess it's my stubborn nature coming out!!! Haha. I've never liked being told what to do. Sooo, as I type this, I am sitting in Matt's recliner with my feet elevated!!
Dr. Harper said he hopes that we will make it until 36 weeks (or at least 34 weeks). My first thought was, "I still have sooo much to do." But, I really don't. Matt I finished hanging everything in the room so the room is complete. I have completed most of the things on my "Things to do before baby is born" List. I am currently working on lesson plans for the beginning of the school year.
I am going to have another ultrasound on Tuesday, July 8th to make sure Trigger is still growing like normal. I will try to post some of those pictures. Also, we will go back to Dr. Groome on July 14th. We will have an ultrasound then too.
Matt and I got a camcorder a couple of weeks ago. I have great intentions of taking a short video of the baby's room and posting it on here. We'll see if that happens; I'm not the best at using technology.
Keep checking back. Who knows when Trigger will make his arrival?!? It could be within the next 3-5 weeks.


2kwfoster said...

Kory and I are excited you guys are doing SO well!
We'll keep you in out prayers.
Kaylin & Kory

auDi tHis woRld said...

Can't wait to meet him!!! :-)