Saturday, July 26, 2008

Our numbers.

Because of an apparently VERY chaotic day on the labor and delivery unit yesterday, they did not call us for our ultrasound last night until 2:00AM (yes....this morning...the middle of the night). Our fluid level was 4.19. The doctor found Trigger's breathing right away which is something else they look for when doing the ultrasound (or BPP (BioPhysical Profile)). They also look to see if the baby is moving. Well...of course since it was the middle of the night and being the good baby that he is, he was sound asleep. They tried everything: shaking my stomach, turning me from side to side, and they even brought out the buzzer (which is suppose to wake him up). He didn't even flinch. They finally got me some ice chips and told me to eat them. And, they brought in another doctor. After 30 minutes of trying to get him to move, Trigger finally cooperated. We got back in bed a little after 3:00am.
Today, they took us back early to get our BPP (ultrasound) and it was 4.3.
Tomorrow, they will take me to the labor and delivery unit. We are getting very excited. It's just all a little sureal! I don't think I have to get an iv until tomorrow so I can get another good nights rest...but, who knows...things change quickly around here!


Anonymous said...

We will keep you guys in our prayers!
Kaylin & Kory

Emery Wilkerson said...

He's almost here!!!!! Yea!!!