Tuesday, July 8, 2008


We went to have another ultrasound at Green Clinic today. Everything went smoothly. Mrs. Nancy (the ultrasound lady) was very nice. She measured all Trigger's body parts and everything measured on schedule. He weighs 3lbs. 14 ounces. Wow...he has grown alot! From looking at the pictures, I think he has to be the cutest boy EVER! :) I have attached two ultrasound pictures. One is a normal ultrasound picture of the baby's profile. The other is a 4D ultrasound of the baby's face with his hands up by his face. Isn't he cute?

1 comment:

auDi tHis woRld said...

I think he might come out with his hands covering up his little face - didn't you say you haven't gotten to see his face yet!?!?!!?

Can't wait to meet him!

We love you!