Monday, July 7, 2008

Baby Books and Our Baby Pictures

I am adding some pictures from when Matt and I were babies. They are not the best quality because they are OLD and because I had to take a picture of them since they are taped into our scrapbook. I hope you enjoy!!!! The first set is of me (Garson).
Matt is in the pictures below.
I love this picture of Matthew. Look at the face. How could you NOT love him?!?!
This is a picture of me with my missing teeth. AND, look at that attitude with my hands on my hips.I'm not sure what this is a picture of...I mean I know it's Matt. I just like his little smile in this picture.

My mom took this picture of me. It was taken in my parents bathroom in front of their bathtub. It seems as though I have a million pictures in front of that bathtub.

LOOK OUT!!!!! Matthew is ready to shoot! A little scary, isn't it. Haha!!!

AND...the last picture is of me in my Cedar Creek cheerleading uniform. We wore our cheerleading outfits EVERY Friday to school and to the football games that night. We, as you can tell, did not have the fancy cheerleading outfits from the children's shop. Instead, we had to have our uniforms made. Holly Haddox (my best friend) and I had matching cheerleading uniforms. We sure were stylish!! And, check out my yellow socks and GREEN shoe laces. Wow...I was bleeding green and gold!!!

Weren't we cute kids?!?!? Yesterday we went to the Woodards house (Matt's parents) to celebrate 4th of July (a few days late). Matt asked his mom if he had a baby book. I had seen pictures of Matt when he was little, but I had never seen a newborn picture. We got the baby book out and Matt and I had the best time looking at it. Do you know who was President in 1981? was recorded in Matt's baby book along with many other interesting facts. One thing that stuck out in my mind was that Matt slept through the night at one week. Matt's mom said that both he and Jennifer were always very good sleepers. When we got home last night, I went on a search for my baby book. My mom wrote that I slept through the night (8:00pm-7:30am) at five weeks. I was thinking...maybe...just maybe our child will inherit the good sleeping genes. I know...go ahead and chuckle out loud. That probably means that we will have a child that NEVER sleeps. Anyway, we had a good weekend. I hope that you did too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha too cute & too funny! I especially love the CC Cheerleading uniform! :-) I remember those days!! Glad you are still doing well! Been praying for ya'll & will start praying for Trigger to inherit those good sleeping genes!!!