Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Still Here!

Looks like we will be here until Trigger makes his arrival which we hope will be next week. My amniotic fluid had decreased again yesterday to 5.6. We were a little aggravated because the doctor found a good pocket of fluid and then Trigger moved before she was able to measure it. We talked with Dr. Groome and Dr. Harper yesterday. Everyone feels as though we should deliver here, and Matt and I feel that it is definitely the best for Trigger with the level 3 NICU. It is sad that Dr. Harper will not be able to deliver our baby because we love him so much, but we have to do what is best!

The plan right now is to stay right here resting and follow our normal schedule (fetal heart rate monitoring twice a day and ultrasound in afternoon). Monday, July 28th, Dr. Groome will perform an amniocentesis to determine if Trigger's lungs are mature enough for delivery. I must say that I am NOT looking forward to the LONG needle going into my stomach and being that close to my baby but I am know that Dr. Groome is well-qualified to do the procedure. So that's a HUGE prayer request because those of you that know me well know that I absolutely HATE needles!!!!!! The test has two parts. The first part is not as sensitive and will come back in an hour. If that test shows that his lungs are mature, they will deliver Monday afternoon. If it shows immature, they will wait until Tuesday for the second test to come back. If the Tuesday test comes back mature, we will deliver Tuesday afternoon. If it comes back immature, we will have to come up with another plan! Please pray for Trigger's lungs. We really hope that the tests show that his lungs are mature and he's ready for delivery!!!! I think that's all for now! I hope you are having a great day.

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