Friday, July 25, 2008

We have a PLAN!!!!! it's was a pretty stressful morning. We saw our resident doctor this morning during her rounds (6:30am) and she asked if everything was going okay. We told her that we wanted to talk to Dr. Groome at some point today about our amniocentesis that we were scheduled for on Monday.
Around 8:30 this morning, our nurse (which happens to be a brand new nurse that is being trained today) and a more experienced nurse came in to give me medicine . She gave me all of my pills to take and then said, "We're not giving you your heparin this morning. The doctors called and told us to hold it." Before this happened, we had a nurse call into our room to ask us what time our procedure was going to be. We, of course, answered, "not until Monday morning." I didn't think anything of the question until the heparin was held. Soooo...we were VERY confused. We asked the nurse why they were holding the heparin. She had no clue. We sat around for awhile trying to understand what was going on. The nurse told us that the doctors (Groome and Snyder) would come around to talk to us at 10:00. 10:00 came and went. My lunch came and it was all liquids. They had put me on a liquid I was really confused. Finally at 1:30, Dr. Groome and Dr. Snyder (the resident) came into our room. They told us that we are going to skip the amniocentesis on Monday because my fluid is too low. We are going to induce Monday morning. They are going to try to deliver vaginally but may have to end up doing a c-section if I don't progress since I will only be 34.5 weeks. They were planning on inducing today BUT the labor and delivery unit was apparently CRAZY today. That explains why they held the heparin. Anyway, we are looking forward to holding that precious baby boy in our arms on Monday (maybe Tuesday). We are going to try to get alot of rest/sleep this weekend since it might be our last chance for a VERY long time. We are preparing for Trigger to go to the NICU which will mean that family and friends will not even be able to see him. So, I will post a picture of Trigger as soon as I can. Thank you again for all of your prayers. We are truly thankful for our wonderful friends and family.


Anonymous said...

What great news!! I'm sure you must be relieved to finally have some idea of when things are going to happen. I know first hand how hard it is to sit and wait in the "unknown". I will continue to pray for Trigger and that you and Matt will be filled with peace this weekend. God is good!!

auDi tHis woRld said...