Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Numbers and Prayer Request...

Okay...I thought I would give you an overview of the numbers over the last few days.
Saturday- 7.7
Sunday- 6.2
Monday- 5.6
Tuesday- 4.2
So....our numbers are obviously going down! They told me yesterday that if the numbers stayed down, they wouldn't be able to do the amniocentesis because it would be too hard to hit a pocket of fluid. But, that will be a game day decision. I am learning to be patient and trying to not be so anal about having a plan since plans change so frequently around here.
Prayer request: Matt! He would never admit it, but I can tell that he is getting worn down. He seems so tired. Who wouldn't be after sleeping on a pull out hospital couch for 9 nights. And, because he missed a whole week of work last week, he is going in to work in the mornings this week to try to get caught up. Then, rushing back to Shreveport to try to be back for the ultrasound in the afternoon. It drives him insane to miss the ultrasound and talking to the doctors. (It would me too!) So...on top of sleeping on the couch, he is driving back and forth to Ruston. Of course he hasn't complained one bit. I would be whining up a storm, but not Matt! So please pray for him because he still has the rest of this week and next week (either delivering and recovering OR bed rest)!
I'll let you know what today's numbers reveal!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Garson, We are praying for you, Matt and Trigger. Hang in there. We love you all!!