Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Trigger has arrived!!

Praise the LORD! After 15 long days in the hospital, Trigger made his arrival at 7:32pm on July 29, 2008. He is absolutely PRECIOUS! He weighed 4lbs. 5 oz. and 18in. He is in the NICU but he is breathing on his own. They did put an IV in to feed him but should be taking it out today and seeing if he can eat. The nurses did say he is doing great and will not have to stay in the NICU long. I have put the pictures that we have taken so far on a slide show. I hope you enjoy them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is perfect! I know you are so glad he is finally here and are able to hold him in your arms. You are both going to be great've already proved how much you love him.
Matt, Amanda, & Ella Grace