Thursday, July 24, 2008

A little DOWN!

We went for our ultrasound around 4:30 today. Our numbers were down from yesterday.
3.9 cm
We are a little discouraged but the good news is that Trigger is still looking GREAT on the monitor. We are hoping that the fluids go up a little before Monday. They can't do the amniocentesis if there is not enough fluid. And, if they can't do the amniocentesis, we are not really sure what the plan will be. We are hoping to visit with Dr. Groome tomorrow to find out what he is thinking.
Also, today we went to visit the NICU. We felt like it was a good idea to see where Trigger might be staying after he is born. Of course we hope that he doesn't have to go to the NICU at all but most likely he will for at least a few days. The NICU discharge nurse showed us around. She was VERY nice and gave us alot of information. She said that if Trigger were born on Monday or Tuesday, he probably wouldn't have to stay in the NICU longer than 2 weeks. I was very glad to hear about their visiting hours. She said that we (the parents) and grandparents could be there anytime except during shift change (6:30-7:00 am and pm). In fact, they would like someone to be there during feeding times (7, 10, 1, and 4 am and pm)! The NICU here is huge. They have 40 beds and currently have 32 babies. It is very busy in there and there were alot of tubes and alarms but it also surprised me that it was so "homey". They had rocking chairs, baby swings, and a few pack and plays. I even saw one "open air" crib that had baby clothes hanging right next to it.
Please continue to pray for Trigger's lungs. If they can do the amniocentesis, we are praying that his lungs show that they are mature so we can go ahead and deliver.

1 comment:

The Tylers said...

We are praying for you Garson! Jake was born at 35 weeks and had to stay in the NICU at South(same place you are at)for 8 days. He might as well have been there for 6 months because it felt like forever, but it was OK. They are great there and you are in the best hands. We delivered Landry at South as well b/c we thought she might be a preemie too, but she was not. So we did not get to see the new unit but I sure heard them working on it when I was doing my bedrest at the hospital!!!!! Hang in there and know God is in control!