Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hospital Stay

YEP...we are in the hospital! We came over to Shreveport on Monday morning for our doctor's appointment with the specialist. We were really thinking it would be our last time to see him. When the ultrasound tech did all the measurements, I noticed she was doing more measurements than usual and she printed out about 8-10 pictures and took them with her. When Dr. Groome came in, he started measuring the same things. He told us that our amniotic fluid was low and that we needed to be admitted into the hospital for bed rest and iv fluids. We were thrown off guard to say the least. So...they took us over to the hospital and we started the admitting process which means that we did ALOT of waiting. We were put in a temporary room to get the iv started, do blood work, etc. Then, I was wheeled down to a real room which was a semi-private room....YUCK! We had been told that if we were in a semi-private room that Matt (or anyone else) couldn't stay with me and there were two other patients ahead of us on the list for a private room. Thankfully, after a few hours, Matt noticed that there was a private room available across the hall. He went down to the nurses station and used his charm....and we were moved to the private room. I can't tell you the relief that we felt just to be in our own room.
I was hooked up to iv fluids for about 30 hours (I think it was 7 or 8 bags of fluid total). I was so swollen!! The plan each day was for me to be hooked up to the fetal heart rate monitor in the morning, an ultrasound in the afternoon to check fluid levels, and fetal heart rate monitor at night. The doctors told us to plan to be here to delivery because of fluid levels especially when we had our ultrasound on Tuesday (our levels had decreased from Monday to Tuesday). Well...I think the bed rest and fluids helped because these were our levels.
Tuesday: 2.5
Wednesday: 5.2
Thursday: 6.3
Friday: 6.9
The average amount of fluid is between 5-15. Dr. Groome's goal is for us to make it to 7 and maintain it so we are almost there. For the time being, we are just hanging out in the hospital on bed rest. I really do think the rest is helping. Tuesday was a very stressful day with just alot of uncertainties and that's the day that my numbers decreased.
The doctors are not positive about the reason behind the low fluid levels, but they think that the placenta is just not working properly. We will continue to stay here until the levels are to 7!!! Hopefully, they will go up and they will release me. If they do, I would most likely be on strict bed rest and have frequent ultrasounds to check fluid. They did give me a round of steriod shots to develop Trigger's lungs in case we have to deliver early. Matt has been sending out update emails to the people in his contacts. However, I am sure there are some people that have gotten missed on accident...SORRY! I will try to update the blog when I can. I'm trying to stay off my cell and just rest but feel free to text or send emails if you have any questions or just want to say HI!! We have had so many phone calls, emails, and texts already...THANK YOU for your encouraging words and continued prayers! We are very blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!!!!!


auDi tHis woRld said...

We're praying!!! :-) So great to see that your levels went up immediately when you contacted people to pray after Monday - God is good and ABLE!!

Sallye Corbell said...

You are such a trooper & already a fantastic mom. Remember the reward at the end is worth every bit of this & much much more. A bit of humor... I told Justin last night I want to go back to the hospital for JUST a little while - to get a nap!!!

Our prayers will continue...