Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Trigger's 2nd day in NICU


auDi tHis woRld said...

I like the comment about Trigger's 'box' being a little nicer than Trouble's 'box'! :-)

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!!
We are SO happy for both of you!
He looks adorable. Love to see the pictures of him.
Kaylin & Kory Foster

Anonymous said...

Congradulations!! Trigger is beautiful. I am so glad you are doing well also. Get all the rest you can right now! He's going to be so fun! Have a good time and enjoy every minute. Motherhood could be the most amazing thing ever!!

Love Ya,
Amy Adams

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful! Keep the pictures coming!

Anonymous said...

He is so beautiful and precious! Your life will never be the same again - in a good way, of course! He is a special little boy with a very special name! I'm so happy for y'all!
Adrianne Smith