Sunday, July 20, 2008


The weekends are a little crazy around here. Things definitely do not stop on the weekend at this hospital. Everyone (doctors and nurses) is VERY busy. In fact, last night we didn't go for our afternoon ultrasound until 9:30pm. Our amniotic fluid numbers last night (Saturday) were 7.7. And, we just went for our ultrasound today and the numbers had decreased slightly. The numbers were 6.3. The doctor was not worried at all. In fact, I think they kindof expected this to happen. The amniotic fluid can be difficult to measure and all depends on the position of the baby. When Trigger moves, he can reveal or hide amniotic fluid. The doctor did say that Trigger looks GREAT!!!!!! He sure is a trooper. Soooo....we will continue with what we have been doing: Lots of bed rest, Fetal Heart Rate monitoring in morning and evening, and an ultrasound in afternoon. Thank you for all of your prayers. I know that God is working in this situation and keeping Trigger healthy and strong!!!

1 comment:

The Tylers said...

Hang in there Garson! Dr. Groome put me on bedrest at 21 weeks and told me I was there to stay(in the hospital!!)due to premature contractions. His then partner(Dr. Lewis) released me that weekend and Groome was very upset. Went in the very next week(to the hospital) for the same thing. I did talk him into letting me go home but was on bedrest for 10 full weeks. But the end result is a healthy baby that you will love beyond anything you can imagine!!!! Thanks for thinking of us and we will be praying for a healthy delivery:).