Monday, June 23, 2008

30 weeks!

Just a quick update! We are doing great. We went to see Dr. Groome last monday and he said everything looked good so far. They told us that Trigger weighs 2 pounds 7 ounces and had a heartbeat of 150. I am sure he is around 3 pounds by now! Dr. Groome is making me do a protein test to make sure there aren't any problems since I have had high blood pressure for such a long time. I will do that on Wednesday. This Thursday I will go for a check up with Dr. Harper.
I really expected to be on bedrest by this point if we hadn't already delivered. We are very thankful that my body has lasted this long. My blood pressure has been good so hopefully it will stay down and we won't have any problems. Who knows...I may make it to 40 weeks!

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