Thursday, June 5, 2008

More Baby Items...

We have gotten so many great gifts that I can't possibly post them all but I wanted to show off a few of them!
This first gift is our diaper bag. Isn't it BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! I absolutely love it! Seth and Vanna gave it to us at our last shower!

This outfit was the very first outfit that I picked out after finding out that we were having a boy. I LOVE it. They don't come any smaller than 6 months so Liz bought the 12 month one for Trigger to wear next summer! He sure is going to be cute.

Liz (and Daddy) also bought these pajamas. They are Astros pjs. I think they are just adorable because they look like big boy pajamas.
I had a little girl in my class this year named Anna Kate. She is just adorable!! She told her mom that Prince Woodard had to have a castle! So they purchased this great castle for us!
Karen and Will have been so kind to us. They say that they are finished with all their baby stuff so they have been giving us items they no longer use like a swing, boppy pillow, maternity clothes, etc. Karen ordered us the cover and had it monogrammed. Isn't cute?!

This is another diaper bag. We have been told that it is nice to have more than one diaper bag especially one that is smaller for church. Isn't this diaper bag cute. Of course it is blue and red.

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