Monday, June 23, 2008

A few random things...

I have a couple of random pictures for you. The first picture is of the three paintings that are going in Trigger's Room. They were created by three up and coming artists: Two of my neices (Chelsea and Abby) and my nephew (Corbin). Didn't they do an AWESOME job. I was very impressed. Chelsea is 8, Corbin is 5 (6 in August), and Abby is 4! We are going to hang them in the baby's room. I will post a picture of them on the wall when we get around to hanging them.

This second picture is of a COPPERHEAD. Matt, Mr. Jerry (Matt's Dad), and Gabe did some work in our yard a couple of weeks ago and they came across this snake. I do NOT like snakes so I am glad they killed it. I hope all the other snakes around take that as a warning. The Woodard's do NOT let snakes live!!!!!

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