Thursday, June 12, 2008

Glucose Test

Today I had to go have the glucose test done. They took my blood. Then, the lab made me drink this AWFUL liquid that tasted like flat coke with WAY too much syrup. It was not good!!! Afterwards, I had to wait an hour and they took my blood again. Now...we will just have to wait until tomorrow to find out the results. I sure hope it comes back negative because if it's positive, you have to have the three hour test done. I am not sure I could make it through three hours of drinking nasty liquid and alot of blood drawing!
I also had a checkup with Dr. Harper. He said so far I have had a pretty PERFECT pregnancy...WOW. Isn't it going to be humorous (AND WONDERFUL) if I make it through this pregnancy without any problems?? My blood pressure was great today and he said everything looks great!
We will go for our checkup with Dr. Groome at LSUS on Monday. We will have another ultrasound to check the placenta and growth of the baby. I can't wait to see Trigger on the screen again. I love having ultrasounds!!!
That's all for now...just wanted to keep everyone up to date especially since it's summer and I don't see as many people.

1 comment:

The Tylers said...

I check your site through Kim and saw where you went to see Dr. Groome....I absolutely LOVE HIM. I was on bed rest for 10 weeks with my son and he was wonderful. Very conservative but you have to be in his line of work. He doesn't always make the greatest first impression. After you get past that he is truly a great man. Good luck with your baby!
Suzanne Dyson Tyler