Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You want to know why Larkin got the Flu…

these were all taken on Monday (march 26th) morning and Campbell started running fever around noon that day…and was diagnosed with the flu on Wednesday.  Soooo, if the flu is airborne and it is airborne up to 6 to 8 feet, then the poor little girl didn’t have a chance!   By the way, isn’t that gross that if someone (let’s say at walmart because we all know that place is filled with horrible diseases) sneezes 6 to 8 feet away from  you, BAM,  you could get the flu!  That is sooo gross and makes me want to wear a mask out in public…and yes, I know I have issues!

IMG_2378IMG_2381IMG_2382big brother captured it all on camera too! ;)IMG_2384IMG_2387IMG_2388IMG_2394

yep, she had no chance of coming out of that without getting the flu…and she was diagnosed the Friday after Campbell was diagnosed!

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