Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A little competitive

Sorry for the delay in posting…Matt is DONE with tax season.  PRAISE THE LORD!  Soooo…that means that I get to actually talk to my husband in the evenings after the boys are in bed.  And that was when I had been doing most of my blogging.  We shall see if I can keep up with it now. 

Trigger is really big into being first these days.  He wants to beat Campbell at everything.  It really works to our advantage sometimes because it gets him out of the bathtub quickly, dressed quickly, etc.  And, Campbell has no clue that it’s a race.  When he does, I’m sure it will be BAD!  Anyway, a couple of days ago, the boys were literally fighting over Larkin.  I had put her in the nap nanny for a few seconds so that I could pump and they fought and shoved and pushed, screamed and yelled, etc.  I just let them fight…I’m not sure that’s the right way to handle it but I get tired of refereeing between the two.  No one got hurt so it turned out fine.  I did take some pictures that I think are hilarious…you may not but as their momma, I just know what each was thinking/saying in each picture!


And, of course I have a WOODARD Health update.  Sunday afternoon, Trigger all of a sudden started having a runny nose…it turned green within an hour and his eyes started having green discharge.  It was YUCK!  We went to Sonic to get me a drink and the boys some ice cream.  Trigger wouldn’t eat his and said “momma, I just want to wait until we get home and I can take some medicine.”  YEP, I knew then that he was in  bad shape.  I called quick care and they were closed.  I gave him motrin when we got home.  He had 101.4 temp.  The next morning (Monday), I took him to Green Clinic.  He was PITIFUL looking.  Dr. Mcgehee said he had double ear infections…badly infected.  AND, his right ear drum had ruptured!!!  And he had eye infections.  We got our antibiotic and came home.  Today, actually within the last two hours, Campbell has been holding his right ear and making very horrible facial expressions.  SO, I’m taking him in this afternoon just to make sure because I don’t want another ruptured ear drum.  BLESS their hearts.  I just don’t understand. We barely go anywhere.  sigh…

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