Friday, April 27, 2012

Our newest family member

Jake Kenneth Hood was born on April 18, 2012.  This is Seth and Vanna’s second child (second boy).  It was a planned csection so I put Matt in charge of our boys.  I woke Larkin up really early and we headed to Monroe.  I took some pictures but didn’t get any great shots…mainly because I was having to take care of Larkin.  Here are the family members waiting for Jake to arrive.IMG_2935Seth came out with Jake and we all got to see him.  He looked so much like Reid when we first saw him but I think he’s not going to look as much like Reid as I had thought.  IMG_2937Reid had no idea what was going…just like Campbell when Larkin was bornIMG_2948IMG_2966Larkin did pretty good considering that I ripped her out of bed earlier than she wanted.IMG_2970Jake’s baby feet!!IMG_2975And I love this picture…Reid was bursting with energy so both of his grandfathers (Pops- Vannas dad; Poppy-my dad) walked up and down the hall with him.IMG_2979I had to leave in time to pick up Trigger at school at 12 so Larkin and I ran through chickfila.  While I was waiting, Larkin got fussy and then she stopped…I looked back and saw this…LOVE the thumb!!IMG_2981

I have so much more to write about on this post but I cant!  Its 3:15 AM…Ive got a horrible ear ache and I’m trying not to go to the ER so im trying to distract myself…NOT WORKING!!!!

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