Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Weekend

The weekend turned out better than I had expected.  Campbell was feeling good and Larkin was doing much better…Matt worked all day Friday which was a complete bummer because everyone was out having fun and hunting eggs.  I don’t really remember what we did but I tried to make the best of it.  Friday also happened to be the day that Larkin turned THREE MONTHS!  Wow…time is already flying!  I’ll post more on that later.  I did get a few pictures of our big three month old.  I had to put her in an easter smocked outfit even though we didn’t go anywhere.

  IMG_2561IMG_2601On Saturday, Matt worked so I loaded the kids up and took them to get donuts.  We had to wait forever…apparently everyone thought they needed to celebrate the Saturday before Easter with some donuts.  We drove to Matt’s office to say hi to him but couldn’t stay long because Larkin isn’t a huge fan of being in the car.  We came home, got dressed for the day, and played.  When I was back in Larkin’s room feeding her, I heard some noisy little feet coming down the hall.  When Campbell rounded the corner, I just had to laugh! He LOVES to go back into our closet and put on my (and matt’s) shoes.  This is the first time I had seem him in heels.  I immediately sent matt a picture of Campbell and said “you really need to spend more time at home.”  haha!IMG_2604IMG_2610My parents and Deanna brought lunch over for us.  Matt actually came home at lunch because he went to work really early that morning (like 3am).  It was fun to have my family here for a little while.  We went outside because the weather was BEAUTIFUL!  IMG_2616IMG_2617I love this picture because you KNOW our family loves some baseball.  It’s so sweet to see my dad playing with my children because my papaw always played baseball with us!!!!  That was our absolute favorite thing to do at papaws.  In fact, the last picture I have of Papaw and Trigger before my papaw passed away, Trigger is wearing this jon jon that Campbell has on.  I won’t be able to sell or give away this outfit! IMG_2619IMG_2620IMG_2621Matt got a new mower because we now have so much more grass to mow.  Campbell loves to ride!  IMG_2627Poor baby was tired…it was passed time for naps!IMG_2632And this little girl had an okay Saturday too…she was pretty fussy and I had to hold her and pace the floors with her most of the day….do you see who is holding her? Yep, her daddy…guess that’s why she’s smiling!IMG_2650

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