Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A few Saturdays ago

Oh my word…this day is really somewhat of a blur…I think it is that way for a reason.  It was a very trying morning.  Matt works on Saturdays starting at the beginning of February through April 15 (or 17th this year).  Saturdays are pretty miserable this time of year because it’s beautiful outside and it’s perfect weather….it is the time of year that just screams for you to get out and do something fun…like go to the zoo or park.  Well, there’s no way I can do that on my own so we miss out on the most beautiful time of the year.  That’s just part of the job I guess.  In case you haven’t figured it out, I get kind of cranky this time of year! ;)   Anyway, Matt had suggested that we meet him at fox’s pizza for lunch.  I was so excited to have a little outing…that’s really sad but I was truly happy!  Anyway, it literally took me ALL morning to get everyone fed, dressed, etc.  Everyone was fussy…everyone was into everything.  It was just one of those days.  Well, I sat down to feed Larkin at the last minute so she would be happy while we were gone.  I got done and got her buckled…ran to find the boys.  I hear Campbell fussing and water running.  I go into Larkin’s bathroom to find this…

IMG_2282He was crying because his clothes were wet and he was “duck” (stuck)…I mean, seriously?!?!  I don’t want to hear it!  He got himself in this situation…after he had shredded toilet paper all over the bathroom.  So, I had to get him out and change his clothes.IMG_2283

Somewhere in the middle of trying to get everyone loaded in the car, I had to get milk for Campbell, pack the diaper bag, etc.  We get in the car and I call Matt to tell him we are headed that way…VERY late at this point…like 12:30.  My poor children were starving.  I look back and see this.


*sigh*  Little man was sound asleep and we weren’t even out of the neighborhood.  I made the decision to let Matt pick up pizza and bring it home for a picnic outside.  I did go ahead and get gas since everyone was loaded in the car and we were on the road.   You do not even want to know how many times lately that I have tried to get out and do this or that and have had to turn around because someone was melting down or someone fell asleep.  With three children,  I am learning that I just have to be super flexible.  Before, I could pushed through with one having a meltdown in walmart.  However, now I can not!  I only have so many arms and Larkin is always in one so there’s only room for one more and I prefer for it to be empty when I go to walmart or wherever it is that I am going. 

And, I just can’t win because I bribed Trigger to get ready and hurry and get in the car by telling him we were going to eat pizza at fox’s.  He was NOT happy when we returned home!


He did cheer up when he found out  that we were having a picnic outside!


Whew…it made me tired just reliving that morning!

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