Friday, April 13, 2012

Fun around the house

These were taken last Saturday when Larkin was very sick but Campbell was starting to feel better!  During tax season, Matt wakes around 3am and goes to work…and then he works until 12 and comes home.  He just started this schedule this year…in previous years, he has gone in around 5am and stays til 3pm.  I really like how he worked this year….I know it has killed him though.  We sure love when daddy walks through that door…especially me.  IMG_2533You can tell that our children have been to the doctor too much because they know the routine…in the pictures  below, they are playing doctor.  Trigger is the doctor and Campbell is the patient.  Trigger even got out his computer because our drs now use a computer.IMG_2544They were so funny…I heard Trigger in there saying “nope, camel, you don’t have an ear fection (infection)”IMG_2546When they are home all day, they get bored quickly.  We couldn’t go outside because Larkin was too sick…honestly, these boys were destroying everything and getting away with it because I pretty much spent the weekend taking care of Larkin.  Anyway, when they get bored, they travel from room to room to play.  They were gone for awhile and when I went to check on them, Trigger was jumping up and down on his bed and trying yank his curtains down.  They look pretty guilty, don’t they?!?!IMG_2553Well, that would be because of this!  Campbell had shredded the rest of the roll of toilet paper.  Poor Trigger ended up picking it all up.IMG_2554After Matt got home, we took the boys outside.  Thank goodness…they needed to get some energy out!IMG_2577IMG_2589

I am so thankful that we only have one more saturday of Matt working….well, until the next deadline.

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