Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Woodard Pediatric Unit

Well, I thought I would update you on what has been going on.  Friday, March 30th, I decided to take all three children to see Dr. Slusher.  Larkin started coughing all of the sudden on Thursday night…and remember that I took Campbell to quick care on Thursday afternoon and was told that he had an ear infection and a throat infection.  I was not too convinced after the nurse prac argued with me about several things so I thought I should get a confirmation of his diagnosis and check his medicine because it didn’t seem like the right medication to me.  Trigger still had a cough after 2.5 weeks…and he was on omnicef and almost finished with it so I wanted him checked just to make sure we weren’t missing anything. 

I called at 8:02 and Dr. Slusher was already booked.  Let me just say that it highly irritates me that she seems to always be booked.  Anyway, her nurse called me back and worked us in first thing.  We jumped in the car to make it on time.  When we got back to the room (Liz went with me), with all three kids, it was quite chaotic.  Just getting everyone weighed, measured, and giving the run down on each was exhausting.  Trigger acted like he had downed a few pixy sticks before entering the room and thought it was fun to run from one end of the room to the other and crash into the walls.  I am not lying!  And for some reason, he always thinks it’s great to turn off the lights.  Campbell couldn’t decide if he wanted to crash into the walls like his big brother (and SQUEAL) or cry and want to be held.  Apparently both options sounded fun to him.  Larkin was fussy and just wanted to be held.  Honestly, it will have to be a desperate situation for me to take all three together again….even with the help of Liz.  It’s just too much. 

I was very thankful that I had typed up my notes on each child.  Dr. Slusher didn’t laugh at me…instead, she was VERY thankful for it!  She check Campbell first…since he was the most sick that day.  She immediately heard stuff in his lungs so she said we would definitely have to go have a chest xray done because she was worried about pneumonia.  Then, she checked his ears and guess what?!?!  BOTH were infected…yep, that’s right BOTH ears.  So, in two weeks, he has had his left ear infected, cleared up, left ear infected again and then his right ear got infected too.  I can say with almost certainty that we will be headed for set 2 of tubes.  *sigh*  The ray of sunshine was when she said his throat wasn’t really infected.  Instead, it was just really irritated from the drainage.  Dr. Slusher was very discouraged that Campbell had just finished an antibiotic and still got two ear infections.  So, Campbell headed for a chest xray with Liz while I stayed with Trigger and Larkin to be examined. 

Trigger was the easy one…he still had drainage…and had some fluid on his ears but she said he was fine for now…just to continue his tamiflu and omnicef.

Then, she examined Larkin.  AND, what does she have????  THE FLU!  My 11 week old baby has the FLU!  I just can’t believe it.  She said her chest sounded good and her ears looked good. Dr. Slusher told us to watch her closely….to “hover over her”.  She told to watch her breathing and to watch her behavior.  YAY…it was friday and I was being sent home to hover over an 11 week old to make sure she was breathing okay.  Not my most favorite thing to do…probably one of the scariest things.  Because of her age, there is absolutely nothing to give her.  She can have tylenol for fever and that’s it.IMG_2501

Dr. Slusher left and we waited on Liz to come back with Campbell.  When Dr. Slusher came back, she said that they didn’t get a great picture of Campbell’s chest but that the radiologist said his lungs looked clear.  So, PRAISE the LORD, no pneumonia!!!!  Dr. Slusher gave me the option of Campbell getting a shot and starting the antibiotics the next day or just doing the anti and no shot….guess what I opted for?  THE SHOT!  I’m such a mean momma!   But, this poor baby needed some heavy medicine to jump start his healing.  It was possibly the saddest thing ever to see the fear on Campbell’s face when I laid him back.  But, I will almost always chose a shot when they are that sick.  We were sent home…Campbell was to continue Tamiflu, start another stronger antibiotic, and start breathing treatments….and give motrin/tylenol around the clock.


It’s been a rough weekend…I had to type up sheets of what medicine to give and when.  It seriously is ridiculous how much medicine we have sitting out on our kitchen counter.  Oh and for some FUN reason, my children HATE medicine when they are sick and need it.  Any other time, they (campbell especially) beg for medicine.  Campbell has learned how to spit out his medicine so that is oh so fun!  Also, he HATES and I mean HATES breathing treatments.  We have to hold him down….like in a deadlock using all of my limbs to hold his limbs down.   We haven’t had much napping going on around here…Campbell fell asleep today in my arms after his breathing treatment (which was another traumatic experience).  I didn’t dare put him in his bed because I knew he would start wailing.  I just laid him on the chair in the den.  He slept there for 3 hours and 15 minutes.


Poor baby is so exhausted.  He pretty much walks around all day crying and yelling “hol me”.  But, the kicker is that he doesn’t just want to be held…he wants you “uuuu” which means up and walking around.  Even though he has lost about 2 lbs, I still can’t do that all day.


Larkin has been held for the last two days and only been put down to change her diaper or to sleep at night.  She sounds awful!!!  She has some whistling while breathing…she isn’t nursing great but enough to stay hydrated.  I took her to a friend’s house (he’s a dr) today and he listened to make sure she didn’t have any fluid on her lungs and he said she sounded good.    Her fever hasn’t been extremely high so that is excellent.  The highest it has gotten is 101.6 but we have kept tylenol in her around the clock.  We might have to go back tomorrow or Tuesday to check her breathing/lungs.


We have had a rough two weeks and we are exhausted but things couldve been so much worse.  And, Larkin is still not out of the woods yet.  She is still running some fever and still having some breathing that we have to watch…not necessarily labored but close.   Dr. Slusher said the fever could last for 7 days and other symptoms could last up to 12 days.  They both will be able to resume activities when they are fever free for 24 hours so we are hoping we are good for Easter. 

We have certainly been overwhelmed with the help we have received from our family and friends.  WOW!  We have already had several suppers brought over which has been a huge help since we don’t have time to cook with each of us carrying around a baby!  AND, we have had so many people texting and checking in…and PRAYING for us.  We are so blessed to have such a good support group.  Thank you to those of you who have prayed for our sweet family. 

Okay…I’m off to get some sleep…ive been going back to Larkin’s room every ten minutes for about 2.5 hours because she is fussy!

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