Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Today and an Embarrassing story

So today was a rough day…I’m not even sure I want to recap it but lets just say that between 730-930:

1. fed and dressed boys  2. fed larkin  3. cleaned up oatmeal from lots of campbell’s crevices WHILE breastfeeding 4. got spit up on about 8 times 5. changed two dirty diapers 6. got myself completely dressed TWICE (because of spit up) 7. got Larkin dressed TWICE because of spit up 8. gave Larkin a breathing treatment 9. spanked a child 10. put a child in time out  11. washed a mouth out with soap  12. put 2 (maybe three) different pairs of shoes on Campbell 13. got all three in the car and buckled up (this is always a challenge because when outside, they scatter like marbles) 14. got trigger to school  15. gave larkin her two different acid reflux medicines.

it was chaotic and things didn’t really get much better.  I’m telling you that I am EXHAUSTED!  I had chest pains most of the day from being so stressed out.  But, everyone is still alive..which I feel is sometimes a huge thing for us.  I will not say that I handled all situations in the right manner today…in fact, I probably didn’t even handle half of them in a way that would please our Lord.  I’m pretty sure he was shaking his head at me today.  I just couldn’t keep up.  I felt like my wheels were spinning but I couldn’t get anywhere.  Poor matt got a million texts today and so did Liz. 

We have had a hard time with Trigger lately….actually, always!  He has always been a very high maintenance child.  I love his passion for life but my word, I think it’s going to kill me.  He is so active…and so sassy.  In fact, we have had to start washing his mouth out with soap or giving him sassy juice.  Those two things usually work for a little while.    Campbell is just at that age where he is literally into EVERYTHING.  He knows just enough to know what he wants and where to get it and he goes for it.  He is very quiet and sneaky.  He often hides from me and I seriously can’t find him.  It has happened twice where I have gone through the house several times yelling his name and starting to panic and found him sitting somewhere quietly, hiding from me.  AH!  And, Miss Larkin is killing me…she screams most of the day.  I have been off of dairy for about 6 weeks…Im not really strict with it…like I still cook with butter and milk (like mashed potatoes) but I don’t eat cheese on my sandwich or sour cream on tacos.  Before she was sick, she had gotten on a good pattern of eating, playing, sleeping.  However, now we are revisiting the awful first few weeks when she screamed most of the day…even when held and standing and swaying and bouncing….non e of it worked.  it’s very frustrating when you can’t make your baby happy….Dr. slusher told us that her acid reflux would be worse while she was sick.  So, I’m going to try to be even more strict with the dairy products.  I looked at Liz yesterday and said, “ I want to know why all three of my children are…” and before I could finish, she filled in with “require a lot of attention”.  So true…I really needed one book reader child but instead I have very active children. 

okay…story will have to wait…I’m falling asleep!

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