Monday, April 16, 2012

It’s funny story time!!! and a sweet husband…



  • Funny story…or not so funny at the time: A few Sundays ago, the kids were feeling better (this was before the flu/rsv diagnosis)…Campbell had had a throat infection but had been on an antibiotic and was fever free but I still didn’t feel comfortable to send them to church.  So, we stayed home.  Matt actually stayed with us because it had been really chaotic couple of days with sick children.  Anyway, I’m not sure why I just typed all of that…this is why Matt hates for me to tell stories because I just ramble on!  HAHA!  Okay, so I needed to go to walmart to get some groceries/diapers/essentials.  I was going to take just Trigger but then Campbell threw a fit so I ended up with the boys and Larkin stayed home with Matt.  We did our shopping and I got the boys to the car.  I unloaded some groceries in the back (which is very little space because both boys sit in the back seat now).  Then, I put the boys in the car so I could stuff the rest of the groceries at their feet in the middle.  I remote started the car because it was hot, laid my purse/keys down so that I could get the bags in the car…you know where this is going, don’t you?  yep, I locked my children IN THE CAR.   *sigh* I am probably the worst mother in the history of the world.  AND, guess what?  My phone was in my purse that was already in the car.  Seriously, I ALWAYS have my phone attached to me in some way but not this time.  I looked around and didn’t know what to do.  Do I just leave my children in the car and go into the store to use the phone?  I couldn’t do that.  I looked around and there was a lady with two upper elem age girls in the car.  I walked over and told her what had happened and asked if I could possibly use her phone.  She wasn’t overly helpful or compassionate but she did let me use her phone.  I called Matt and he didn’t answer his phone.  I have onstar but didn’t know the number and neither did she.  So, I walked back over to the car and tried to get Trigger to unbuckle his car seat.  He can work the top of the 5 pt harness but not the bottom.  He tried his hardest to squeeze his way out…and he was kind of stressing about not being able to get out.  Finally, the lady called her sister and got the onstar number.  I called it and didn’t know my password (isn’t that just great) but they unlocked my car anyway.  WHEW…it was not a high moment of life, that is for sure!  And, thank goodness for onstar!!!!
  • Another funny story…Friday morning I was in a rush to get out the door because our cleaning lady was coming and Larkin and I were going to Monroe for a haircut…yay, I haven’t had my haircut since November.  So, I got Larkin up and changed her clothes and started feeding her.  I noticed that she had some dried spit up on her face and a little in her hair.  I asked Trigger to get a rag and go wet the rag for me.  While he was in Larkin’s bathroom, I was fussing at Campbell because he was yanking everything out of Larkin’s drawers. Trigger reappears with a wet rag and hands it to me…It was very cold…I went towards her face with it and decided that I should just wait because it was just too cold.  At that moment, I realized that I had never heard the water running while Trigger was gone. I called Trigger over and said “where did you get this water”  T: “what water” (he is soooo a BOY)  Me: “the water on the rag…where did you get it from”  Trigger: “Mama, I don’t know what you are talking about” (seriously, it had been seconds…and he wasn’t avoiding…he really didn’t know what I was talking about…sometimes I wonder what goes on in their brains)  Me:”Trigger did you turn the sink on to get the water on the rag?” Trigger: “no, mama, I got it from the potty” (I do not know what I bothered to continue on…I guess I still wasn’t awake because I shouldve know this line of questioning was pointless) Me: TRIGGER WOODARD, you put your hand in the nasty potty.  That is disgusting!!!” Trigger : “no, mama…I didn’t put my hand in there…I just (and he demonstrated dipping the rag into the potty)”    THIS IS THE HELP I HAVE….I NEED A HELPER…not someone that gets water for my infant from a TOILET!  I just don’t even know what to say!
  • My sweet husband sent these flowers to me last week.  It was so sweet of him…and it was “just because” and “thank you for all you do” flowers.  Those are the BEST!  Aren’t the beautiful.  We LOVE Lauren Roebuck!  It’s been a rough tax season so this has been a great way to end it!

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