- First let me start with our medical status because that seems to be a big part of our life here lately. Trigger went to the dr. on Monday. He got sick suddenly on Sunday. Both of his ears were infected very bad and his right eardrum had ruptured. AND, both of his eyes were infected. We got an antibiotic and headed home. It hit Campbell Monday night…he barely slept all night. I took him to the dr on Tuesday. He had an ear infection in his right ear. I got sick on Tuesday with a sore throat and sinus pressure but I ignored it…big mistake. On Thursday, Larkin started sounding hoarse and coughing…and had a runny nose. I made the decision late thursday afternoon that I would definitely take her to the dr on Friday so we wouldn’t be going into the weekend without medicine (if it was needed). Thursday night was a horrible night. I was up until 11 piddling and then my left ear started hurting. I was up in horrible pain until around 4…I tried a hot shower with a hot cloth on it and kept getting it hot. I did get some relief when it finally made a popping noise. Then, I started texting friends to see if I could take lortab….I was nervous about taking it with breastfeeding. I ended up taking 800mg of motrin around 3 and went to sleep around 4 and then larkin woke up at 545. So, it was a long night. I fed Larkin and got ready quickly and went to Quick care at 7. They told me that I had bronchitis and THE WORST ear infection that he has ever seen in an adult. It felt like the worst. And, let me tell you…I am NOT scared of the ER…If I am in pain and they are the only ones open, I will go. BUT, the problem was that I was scared if I went and was stuck there for a while, I was sure that Larkin would wake up hungry and she is still only breastfed (never had a bottle). Anyway, I got a zpac..he really wanted to give me a shot but was nervous because I was told that I was allergic to that medicine when I was little. I came home and took another shower and got ready again to take Larkin to the dr at 10. She had an EAR INFECTION too…I was not prepared for that AT ALL…I just thought she had the same virus as the boys…which she did but she also had the ear infection. I mean, HOW? We have 5 of the 10 ears in our house infected. It’s quite irritating considering they were breastfed babies….and I’m an adult and not supposed to have ear infections.
- I just thought that Thursday night was bad, last nigh/evening was way worse…I started running fever around 4 and I had motrin in my system. It got up to 102.7 and finally broke. It was probably the worst I have felt in a long, long time. I took some lortab last night because my ear was hurting bad again…and dr. slusher had approved the use of heavy drugs. ;) I got a good night sleep so that was good after such a rough evening.
- Campbell woke this morning sounding worse…horrible cough and now has an infected eye. Larkin sounds worse too but that’s to be expected since her virus just started on Thursday.
-I am a little tired of these illnesses. But, honestly, I am truly grateful. I know that sounds like I am just writing that for blog purposes but I’m not. Dr. SLusher keeps asking me how I am doing mentally. I am really fine…I’ll probably lose it since I am typing this. Let me just tell you why I have this perspective.
- I am a little jaded. When my mom got cancer and I had to watch her body deteriorate right in front of me in our house….my perspective of life changed. Nothing could be helped by this…that’s what your life experiences do to you, they change you. I’m not bitter…I’m just forever changed. If you haven’t been through an experience like that, then you don’t understand it. I’m not being ugly…I’m glad that you don’t understand it. I have a constant fear (I know I shouldn’t) that something else bad will happen to someone in my family…from my husband being killed in a car wreck when he is coming home from work at 2am….to my children having some horrible illness that is incurable. Because I am not naïve, I KNOW that it can happen because it did happen to me and my family. Since I have these grand fears, when we have flu, rsv, a million ear infections, etc, I’m not shaken. Does it make me sad that my children are sick, YES…I don’t want them to be in any pain ever but I am just SOOOO grateful that we aren’t in a hospital with tubes coming out every part of their body. SOOOOOO thankful!!! because there are sooooo many moms that are sitting at their child’s bedside in hospitals that would trade places with me in a HEARTBEAT. I know that! So, I’ll take these little illnesses anytime! I’m sitting here listening to “amazed” by phillips, craig, and dean. I am truly amazed at God’s plans for us. Isn’t it just amazing that he sees how everything will work out…and we get so bogged down in our little troubles that we forget the big picture. I sure do. I find myself getting all worked up on who is supposed to get medicine and when…and I think, this is just an itty bitty blip in my life. These days will be gone in literally an instant. Am I making the most of it? I’m not sure that I am.
- Larkin is getting so big. She now weighs 11lbs 9oz. Everyone says she is so tiny but she seems SOOOO big to me. She is a little dramatic too…as you can see from the picture below.
-Trigger has good and bad days….actually it is minute to minute. These two pictures say it all…one second he is sweet and laughing his head off and the next he is mad as a hornet.
-It has soooo beautiful outside lately. I LOVE all the green trees and grass. We spent a lot of time outside last Saturday before the troops fell sick. Matt cut down 24 trees out of our front yard. I did not help at all…instead I watched the troops play and took pictures of them. :) We also ordered some patio furniture last weekend from a store in Shreveport. I can’t wait for it to come in so we can have friends over to play and eat and relax on the new furniture. Maybe by the time it comes in, our little people will be well.
-I forgot to mention that Campbell will be headed to see Dr. Neal on the May 8th. He is on ear infection #3 in the last month and half. I’m sure we will be getting our second set of tubes.
- I sent Matt a text of a picture of Larkin yesterday while we were at the doctor and this was the response I got. “Yeah it’s not good because when she smiles at me I’m likely to let her get away with anything.” Haha….he’s quite smitten with his little girl. NOT that he doesn’t love our boys because he is SOOOOO good with them and loves them sooo much but you know how it is with a daddy’s girl! :)